Welcome to M.A.R.S. (Mark's Arcade Retro Site). This is my web page dedicated to those who love coin-op video arcade games. There's lots of information and hopefully some entertaining stuff, too.
One of the craziest days in an arcade collectors life is the day you have to move your collection. This last year, I had to move 20+ arcade games from one house to another in one day. As they say in Letterkenny, "More hands make less work". Fortunately a group of friends and family sacrificed their day and bodies to help move 20+ arcade games out of a basement through a window into a trailer, and unload them into a three car garage 15 miles away.
Unfortunately, due to new house restrictions, some of the games will not be making it down to the new arcade: the Doctor Who pinball, The Getaway pinball, the virtual pinball, Gorf and my Silent Scope multigame will be leaving for good, and Tron and Tempest have gone to friends' houses for an extended stay.
But all is not bad news...a new game has joined the collection! The massively popular pinball, and cultural icon, Godzilla is the newest addition!
Also, I was finally able to finish the Joust. I went with a different restoration approach by repainting the brown background only, and keeping the original patina for the actual art. Very interesting look. Happy with how it turned out!
Next mission: finishing the basement for the next version of Dark Star Arcade!
Been a while! Just means I've been busy...
Working on a Sega EPROM board tester...has already helped me fix one board that wasn't just caused by a bad eprom.
Joust is prepped for painting, just waiting for slightly warmer weather.Picked up a Virtual Pinball project. A few more tweaks and it should be ready.
The monitor in my Cruis'n USA went out. I'll be documenting a way to replace the old monitor with an LCD TV! (*gasp*).
Next up? Next few months should be exciting...
My troubleshooting page contains links to repair FAQs, sites, tips, and people who can help you to fix your favorite arcade game or PCB.
Need help remembering an arcade game from your past? You'll most likely find it here. Ignore all the rarity information, however.
The Video Arcade Preservation Society (VAPS)An arcade game collection site showing game owners' collections from all over the world.
The Sega Vector Game PageMore selfless promotion of yours truly.
The Basement arcadeA great site by a different Mark...he's got the most comprehensive list of video arcade game links I've seen, so instead of replicating them here, I'll just point to his page and he can deal with the maintenance :-)
Rick's Game RepairThe man, the myth, the Legend. Now working full time in the restoration business, Rick has done a lot of work for Williams in the past and knows his stuff. Has the BEST quality machines available for purchase and does service as well.
M.A.R.S. is dedicated to providing a quality web page for coin-op video arcade information. This web page is "comment operated", meaning the more comments you send me, the more it changes. Contact with compliments or criticism, comments or corrections, and what you'd like to see (or not see) on M.A.R.S.
Listen to what Arnold says about M.A.R.S.